Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 2 March 1964
(Volume 133, Issue 5A)

Simple Variational Bound to the Entropy
G. H. Derrick
pp. A1215-A1217 [View   PDF (414 kB) ]

Test of Special Relativity or of the Isotropy of Space by Use of Infrared Masers
T. S. Jaseja, A. Javan, J. Murray, and C. H. Townes
pp. A1221-A1225 [View   PDF (1202 kB) ]

Bulk Solution of Ginzburg-Landau Equations for Type II Superconductors: Upper Critical Field Region
W. H. Kleiner, L. M. Roth, and S. H. Autler
pp. A1226-A1227 [View   PDF (328 kB) ]

Dynamical Decomposition of a Large System
J. Korringa
pp. A1228-A1229 [View   PDF (363 kB) ]

Derivation of the Modified Bloch Equations for Spin Systems
J. Korringa, J.-L. Motchane, P. Papon, and A. Yoshimori
pp. A1230-A1234 [View   PDF (905 kB) ]

Energy of the Many-Fermion Normal System
Kleber S. Masterson and Katuro Sawada
pp. A1234-A1244 [View   PDF (1690 kB) ]

Optical Maser Action in C, N, O, S, and Br on Dissociation of Diatomic and Polyatomic Molecules
C. K. Patel, R. A. McFarlane, and W. L. Faust
pp. A1244-A1248 [View   PDF (938 kB) ]

Dispersion Relations for Nonlinear Response
Willem J. Caspers
pp. A1249-A1251 [View   PDF (497 kB) ]

Repulsive Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer Pair-Interaction
K. Sawada and C. Warke
pp. A1252-A1256 [View   PDF (713 kB) ]

Theory of Electron Capture in H+-H Collisions
Benjamin Roth
pp. A1257-A1262 [View   PDF (1097 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Accurate Analytical Self-Consistent Field Functions for Atoms. VI. The Ground States of Mo+ and Mo
Clemens C. Roothaan and Miroslav Synek
pp. A1263-A1266 [View   PDF (589 kB) ]

Classical Impulse Approximation for Inelastic Electron-Atom Collisions
Robert C. Stabler
pp. A1268-A1273 [View   PDF (1069 kB) ]

Atomic Negative Ions. Second Period
E. Clementi, A. D. McLean, D. L. Raimondi, and M. Yoshimine
pp. A1274-A1279 [View   PDF (961 kB) ]

Electron Emission from Mesonic Atoms
G. T. Condo, R. D. Hill, and A. D. Martin
pp. A1280-A1294 [View   PDF (3069 kB) ]

Relativistic Correction for Analytic Hartree-Fock Wave Functions
H. Hartmann and E. Clementi
pp. A1295-A1299 [View   PDF (683 kB) ]

Plasma Instability in the Whistler Mode Caused by a Gyrating Electron Stream
T. F. Bell and O. Buneman
pp. A1300-A1302 [View   PDF (425 kB) ]

Negative Absorption Due to Coulomb Scattering of an Electron Stream
Toshimitsu Musha and Fujio Yoshida
pp. A1303-A1307 [View   PDF (850 kB) ]

Incoherent Scattering of Radiation by Plasmas. II. Effect of Coulomb Collisions on Classical Plasmas
D. F. DuBois and V. Gilinsky
pp. A1317-A1322 [View   PDF (1031 kB) ]

Resonance Line Shapes of Weak Ferromagnets of the α-Fe2O3 and NiF2 Type
H. J. Fink
pp. A1322-A1326 [View   PDF (817 kB) ]

Nuclear Quadrupole Interactions in Beryllium Oxide
T. T. Taylor and T. P. Das
pp. A1327-A1333 [View   PDF (1250 kB) ]

Magnetic Resonances and Susceptibility in Orthoferrites
Gabriel F. Herrmann
pp. A1334-A1344 [View   PDF (1927 kB) ]

Low-Temperature Behavior of a Face-Centered Cubic Antiferromagnet
A. Danielian
pp. A1344-A1349 [View   PDF (1034 kB) ]

Ferroelectric Transformations of Tensorial Properties in Regular Ferroelectrics
Kêitsiro Aizu
pp. A1350-A1359 [View   PDF (1340 kB) ]

Production and Destruction of F and M Centers by X Rays in Alkali Halides at Low Temperatures
R. F. Wallis and B. J. Faraday
pp. A1360-A1364 [View   PDF (935 kB) ]

Vibronic Spectra of SrF2:Sm2+ and BaF2:Sm2+
Isaac Richman
pp. A1364-A1366 [View   PDF (654 kB) ]

Low-Temperature Heat Capacities of Potassium, Rubidium, and Cesium
William H. Lien and Norman E. Phillips
pp. A1370-A1377 [View   PDF (1591 kB) ]

Variational Treatment of the Heisenberg Antiferromagnet
Harold Falk
pp. A1382-A1389 [View   PDF (1074 kB) ]

Doppler-Shifted Cyclotron Resonance and Alfvén Wave Damping in Bismuth
Jordan Kirsch
pp. A1390-A1398 [View   PDF (1640 kB) ]

Energy Bands for Solid Argon
L. F. Mattheiss
pp. A1399-A1403 [View   PDF (969 kB) ]

Second-Sound Propagation in Dielectric Solids
E. W. Prohofsky and J. A. Krumhansl
pp. A1403-A1410 [View   PDF (1304 kB) ]

Dispersion Relation for Second Sound in Solids
R. A. Guyer and J. A. Krumhansl
pp. A1411-A1417 [View   PDF (1327 kB) ]

Theory of the Electronic Susceptibilities of Stoichiometric Rutile (TiO2)
A. R. Ruffa
pp. A1418-A1426 [View   PDF (2203 kB) ]

Evidence for an Isotopic Shift in the Electron-Spin-Resonance Absorption Spectrum of Fe3+ in Calcite
S. A. Marshall, J. A. Hodges, and R. A. Serway
pp. A1427-A1431 [View   PDF (1030 kB) ]

Oxygen Vacancies and Electrical Conduction in Metal Oxides
C. J. Kevane
pp. A1431-A1436 [View   PDF (1154 kB) ]

Electronic Structure of the M Center in LiCl and LiF
Axel Meyer and R. F. Wood
pp. A1436-A1442 [View   PDF (1522 kB) ]

Track Registration in Various Solid-State Nuclear Track Detectors
R. L. Fleischer, P. B. Price, R. M. Walker, and E. L. Hubbard
pp. A1443-A1449 [View   PDF (1852 kB) ]

Piezoresistance in p-Type Gallium Antimonide
O. N. Tufte and E. L. Stelzer
pp. A1450-A1451 [View   PDF (328 kB) ]

F-Center Production Efficiencies at Liquid-Helium Temperature
Victor H. Ritz
pp. A1452-A1470 [View   PDF (4187 kB) ]